Big news from the Lightworks team. Windows Beta 11.1 available; supports AVCHD/MP4 transcoding in the free version. Also supports Blackmagic I/O and is compatible with Windows 8
The latest version of Lightworks for Windows has been in private Beta for some time, and has reached the stage when it can be released for public Beta testing. The new Beta includes support for Blackmagic I/O as well as improved import times through a new ability to link to audio rather than copy it locally. AVCHD/MP4 files (MTS/M2TS) can now be transcoded for use in the Free version.
To join the Lightworks Windows Beta program, go to the downloads page, click the Beta Releases button, fill in the form and agree to the Terms and Conditions. This will give you access to download the software.
Here's the official announcement in full - including all the new features and fixes
The next version of Lightworks 11.1 is now available as a Public Beta (11.1.c) for Windows. This means any user wishing to test the latest Windows Beta builds can gain access without having to ask.
To gain access to the latest Beta Build please click the link below, add your details and agree to the Terms and Conditions. This will then give you access to all the Windows Beta Builds as they become available.
The main new features of 11.1 Beta can be seen below:
Added support for Blackmagic I/O devices. Drivers 9.5 or higher are required (Pro version required)
Added support for Windows 7 64bit with a separate installer (Pro version required)
Added outlining support for the native titling effect (Pro version required)
Added ability to let the user specify where media directories are stored using the disk manager tool (Pro version required)
Added ability to let the user specify where local projects are stored using the Manage project spaces function (Pro version required)
Added support for linking to audio rather than copying it locally
Allowed MP4/AVCHD (MTS/M2TS) media to be imported into the Free version as transcode only
Added support for linking to files through ALE import. The ALE must contain a valid media location
Added support for automatic relinking to subclips when importing an AAF
Added ability to enable/disable detection of split MXF files
Added support for subclips without V tracks on AAF import/export
Added ability to automatically flatten multi-level subclips to one level when exporting an AAF to Avid
Added ability to read and interpret AVID markers as cue points in AVID AAFs
Updated installer to include latest Sentinel RTE (6.51) This allows installation on Windows 8
More information including the fixes since 11.0.3 and the current limitations can be found on the Windows Beta Download page.
Tags: Post & VFX