Tomorrow morning, at 8:00am in London, 4:00 in New York, 1:00 AM in Los Angeles, we'll bring you the news of Sony's new product or products.
Everything points to this being a major announcement. We're expecting the biggest product launch of the year so far from any video camera manufacturer.
We have reporters in New York and London covering this and we are devoting the whole day in RedShark to providing the most comprehensive coverage, which will go something like this:
At 8:00 GMT, we will start the day with the main announcement: We'll outline the new product/products, and give you a run-down of the functionality and specifications.
We'll also give you our early opinion of the significance of the newly announced device(s).
At 12:30 London time, we'll be at the European unveiling of the new products. As soon as we can we'll give you a hands-on description and we'll be interviewing product managers.
And as the news breaks throughout the day, we'll be following it up with any new info or opinions that we pick up.
Tags: Production