Next month, December, we're introducing our theme of the month. This is where we focus on an important topic, with extended features, interviews with manufacturers, and product reviews.
Our first theme will be 4K. We will investigate the issues surrounding video production, post production and distribution at four times the resolution of HD.
Everything we've seen lately suggests that 4K is going to happen. But with HD only just becoming mainstream for consumers across the world, and with broadcasters hesitant to upgrade their production systems yet again, when is 4K likely to take off?
Can you even see the difference?
We know that you can.
4K is affordable
Even today, you can buy low-cost 4K movie-type cameras, post produce in your bedroom, and stream in 4K on YouTube. So do broadcasters risk irrelevance if they ignore 4K? The BBC makes most of its programs in HD, but news coverage is still stubbornly SD. And that's OK, for now.
Let us know what you think. Write to me, the Editor, david.shapton@redsharknews.com. We'll publish the best responses.
If you're a manufacturer of 4K products that we haven't spoken to yet, please contact me: david.shapton@redsharknews.com
Tags: Business