Nearly a year ago we started RedShark Sound and we wanted to bring you up to date with how it’s going.
We started RedShark sound because we wanted to bring RedShark News’s formula to the Audio industry: a mixture of curated news, opinions and expertise. We had a very strong response to the idea, and visitors to the site tell us they love it.
Meanwhile, RedShark News, the original site for Moving Images has had its busiest and best year ever.
We’ve learned a lot over the last twelve months. The first thing is that we were over ambitious in trying to cover everything from Audiophile Audio to Live Sound. These are quite separate disciplines and they don’t sit well together. Another thing: a lot of our traffic on RedShark Sound has come directly from RedShark News. We’re really pleased about that - it shows that readers of our original publication have diverse interests.
We’ve thought long and hard about where we should go next with RedShark Sound. We are absolutely committed to covering audio. Not only is it an important part of video, but we know that our readers are as enthusiastic about all types of high quality audio as the world is in general- and probably more so, because they care about quality and craft.
But RedShark News is growing. We don’t want to do anything that will distract us from making this the most readable and the most reliable source on the Web for the entire moving industry. Running a separate team and a stand-alone website for Sound doesn’t sit well with this idea.
So here’s what we’re going to do.
We’re going to bring RedShark Sound under the wing of RedShark news: right there under the “Audio” tab. We’ve already transferred all 200 of RedShark Sound’s articles to this new home already.
We will continue to update RedShark Sound, but we will focus on High End Audio, Audio for Video and - occasionally - music software and plug-ins. We will update the Audio section as and when news comes in.
Please understand that we remain absolutely committed to the idea and ideals of RedShark Sound. Audio articles that have been reposted in RedShark news have had as many readers as typical video articles - and we remain audiophiles and audio fans.
So, to sum up: RedShark Sound continues as part of RedShark News. You can go to it here [www.redsharknews.com/audio] - and you’ll always find it under the “Audio” Tab at the top of the page. It will continue to be updated and our focus will be Audio for Video, Audiophile matters and music and audio software where it’s applicable to video and filmmakers.
Don’t forget that there are more than 200 audio articles here [http://www.redsharknews.com/audio] right now.
Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing you on http://www.redsharknews.com/audio
Tags: Audio